The Renters’ Rights Bill is currently at committee stage and edging closer to Royal Assent. Here are the key changes anticipated for the 11million tenants and 2.3million landlords the bill will affect...
Are you a budding landlord looking to buy a rental property? Want to know what initial investment you’ll need? Read on to find out…
Increasing rent can be daunting: you don’t want to unsettle your tenants, but left too low and you’ll eat into your investment. Here we explain why to increase rent and how…
With Christmas just days away, we’ve been thinking of funny festive stories we’ve experienced over our many years as agents in Ampthill. Here are a couple of crackers for you…
As the year draws to a close, we look back at 2024’s hot topics and ahead to what we’ll see in 2025...
Luca is behind on his rent. Luca can’t catch up with his arrears, and he’s worried what will happen if this carries on. Don’t risk losing your home like Luca.
Lynn’s tenant is in arrears. Lynn didn’t vet the tenant, left things too long, and now doesn’t know what to do. Don’t get lost like Lynn.
Colin lets a property in Clophill. Colin hasn’t been hot on repairs, leading to unhappy tenants, and potential fines and imprisonment if he doesn’t get his act together. Don’t be careless like Colin.
Louise owns a rental in Lidlington. Louise skipped inspections and is now suffering the consequences of unauthorised occupation, a slow leak and unsafe stairs. Don’t be lax like Louise.
Wendy is the landlord of a family home in Woburn. Wendy’s property has ongoing mould problems, which worsen as cold weather draws in. Don’t worry about winter like Wendy...
Following our latest blog about whether you should use a high street agent or an online one, we thought we’d share an example of why you should opt for the former…
Anna has a second home in Ampthill. Anna is looking to let it, but is overwhelmed whether she should do so with a high street agent at a higher price, or a cheaper online alternative. Don’t agonise like Anna.
Ben owns a rental property in Bedford. Ben hasn’t raised the rent for years, partly because he’s been too busy to action an increase, partly to avoid the awkward conversation with his tenant. Don’t bury your head like Ben…
Labour’s in, and what felt like a foregone conclusion for most, still of course comes with the reality of a different style of government and potential challenges and changes for landlords.
We wanted to take this opportunity to raise the main points put forward by Labour, to explain how they may impact you and your rental property, and to clear up some of the jargon around it:
With the General Election less than a fortnight away, here we summarise what the top five parties have pledged for the property sector in their manifestos, from building, to renting, to taxation. In alphabetical order…
Fiona lives in a rented property in Flitwick. Fiona went on a fortnight’s break to Barcelona with her family. She knew she still had to pay the rent even while they were all away from home, but she failed to fulfil her other obligations as a tenant when on holiday. Don’t forget your tenancy agreement like Fiona…
Lucy was recently scammed by a fake letting agent in Luton. Lucy spotted an advert for a house on Facebook, went along to what she thought was a viewing, and transferred over a substantial sum as a ‘holding fee’, before finding out she’d been conned out of time, money, and trust. Don’t get led on like Lucy…
At Orchards Estate Agents, we are thrilled to announce an exciting new addition to our services designed to bring unparalleled convenience and cost efficiency to our clients throughout Central Bedfordshire, and Bedford Borough. Understanding the importance of timely and cost-effective property maintenance, we have launched our very own In-House Repairs service.
Steve recently attempted to evict his tenant from a flat in Silsoe due to unpaid rent. Steve failed to plan, didn’t understand the process, and opted to go it alone. The result: critical errors, entanglement in legal complexities, additional costs, and a delayed eviction. Don’t be stressed like Steve…
Mark, the landlord of a holiday let in Maulden, listened with interest to the Spring Budget. Mark is confused as to how these changes will affect him and his property. Don’t be muddled like Mark.
Orchards are proud to be launching our brand new Quality Tenant Guarantee.
From today as standard all of our new managed lets will be given our quality tenant guarantee, meaning that if a tenant we find moves out early or causes issues, you're covered with our free re-letting service. We're here to give you peace of mind and support every step of the way.
With just a few weeks left of 2023, and a busy year so far in both our sales and lettings departments, here’s our run-down of the market as it stands today, and how it’s fared since this time last year...
There’s been much talk in the news recently about changes ahead for the lettings industry. Aside from the long-awaited Renters Reform Bill, currently due its second reading, there are updates on possession processes, energy-efficiency expectations, and even caps on ever-increasing rents. Here we address the latest for landlords…
As we head out of summer and into the next season, the property market represents a similar state of change. In our latest Market Comment, we take a look at what’s been going on at Orchards over the last two months…
For private rented sector tenancies, landlords are obligated to perform the bulk of repairs to a property. Tenants are expected to act responsibly, and to return a property in much the same way they found it, with a few obligations themselves. Here we cover what those are…
Already stuck for ideas of what to do with the kids this summer holiday? Need new inspiration for food or fun? Here’s the best of Ampthill and our surrounding areas…